Write for Us

Do you want to write for us? Awesome! We are excited for awesome ideas which can become invaluable resource for our medical audience. TebangTech is always looking for quality contributors who are passionate about health & medical and would love to share their expertise with the world.

write for us

But before we get started, there are a few things you should know: We encourage originality and creativity.

If you are one of those people who would love to write for us, here are our guidelines:

  1. Your topic should be informational, well-researched and written in engaging style. When you brainstorm for topics, please keep in mind that our main topic is in medical field. Pitching topics that are very interesting to our audience will considerably improve your chances of publishing.
  2. You will need to backup your claims with links to actual research journals. Sites that rank highly in Google are not considered research journals.
  3. Your article should be at least 5,00 words and structured in a user-friendly style. (Please see articles on this site to get some ideas what it means)
  4. Pages that promote those businesses and/or promote products on Amazon are not considered high-quality and all links to such pages will be removed. If you don’t disclose this upfront, some of those links might get removed before publishing, since Tebang reserves the right to change your article so it is in line with our editorial standards.

If you are OK with above-mentioned conditions,  please email your list of topics to info@tigress.cc with a headline “Write for Us”.

Please make sure you use this headline, since due to increased amount of guest blogging spam, I delete other requests without even reading them.

Write Article for Us


Tebang Tech

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